Archive for May 26th, 2022

Low Down Dirty Vote

As promised, LDDV 3 was released on May 15 and a flurry of posts followed.

LDDV 3, edited by Mysti Berry, has 22 stories, covering a wide range of subgenres. Here’s a rundown that appeared on Raven-winner Dru Ann Love‘s blog last week.

Other pertinent links:

• BookLife review:

• David Corbett’s post – “Writing Wrongs: The Color of My Low-Down Dirty Vote” 

• Mysti Berry’s post on “Editing for Voice”

For my entry, “Vote Early,” I decided to try something different. Unlike 80,000-word novels, short stories allow for experimentation, and this time I experimented with (sort of?) sci fi.

Emma, a two-month-old baby is frustrated — she has the intelligence and skills of an adult but can’t reveal her situation to her parents. She’s passionate about voting, and when her apathetic parents toss their ballots in the trash, Emma decides to take action.

See what you think!