Archive for February 20th, 2014

Going Postal

Waiting for input

I couldn’t let this day pass without a mention of an important milestone in American history: On February 20, 1792, George Washington signed the Postal Service Act, creating a national postal service.

I must confess, I’m addicted to mail. I love sending it and receiving it. I love seeing a stuffed mailbox at the end of our drive, even if the stuffing is only what others call junk mail. To me, every piece of mail means someone has a message for me; someone knows I exist. So what if it’s just from the dry cleaners down the street or another cause seeking a donation?

For a long time I’ve been thinking how cool it would be to read a mystery series set in a post office. The protagonist would be a female postmaster (no such job as postmistress, I’m told), in a small town, where all kinds of fascinating stories would come alive. The series would be set in Western Massachusetts and—wait! I think I’ll write that series!  More news coming soon to a mailbox near you.