Archive for November 3rd, 2016


A bipartisan set of quotes about voting , TUESDAY NOVEMBER 8.

“Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting.”  – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

“It’s not the voting that’s the democracy; it’s the counting.” – Tom Stoppard

“Our political leaders will know our priorities only if we tell them, again and again, and if those priorities begin to show up in the polls.”  – Peggy Noonan

An eloquent quote from Abraham Lincoln:

“Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.”

And finally, for a laugh:

“Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote. The relative positions to be assumed by man and woman in the working out of our civilization were assigned long ago by a higher intelligence than ours.”  – Grover Cleveland